10 December 2006

2007 awaits

that's right.

i cannot be more excited. 2006 has been one helluva roller coaster ride. from having a new career, meeting new and exciting people, having developed new and strong friendships, and being stabbed in the back by people whom you thought are friends: to say that i have been through a lot would suddenly seem like an understatement. but i'm glad to say that now, i have reached a point where i am strong and resilient once more. talk about the me of old!

also, shortly before the year ended, but after i first started writing this blog, something very special happened. i shall focus more on that later, but for now, let me just say my year ended beautifully. ahh... to love and be loved is such a beautiful thing. truly, i am blessed.

it's been a couple of months now into 2007. how has it been so far? well, while things may not happen exactly as i've planned, i've realised that there are so many things i need to be thankful for. i don't need to enumerate them here anymore, for they are so many. what i need to be doing instead is to become pragmatic - think of practical solutions that would satisfy my needs (financial, intellectual, physical). whether it entails finding a second job, dabble in music/arts, quitting smoking altogether - it doesn't matter! bottom line, it's time i get my own party started.

so, here's to getting started on tomorrow. let's just say that for now, i'll be following the chinese calendar - therefore, the new year won't commence until the 18th of february. cheers!

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